Digging the Island Vibes on St. George Island

After our beach-intensive stop in Pensacola, we headed further east, skimming the southern edge of Florida’s panhandle along scenic Highway 98. We had not previously visited very much of the panhandle and it was fascinating to see the variety of different communities strung along the lovely coastline. The panhandle beachfront has everything from modest little … Read more

Care-A-Vanning Redux in Pagosa Springs

After thoroughly enjoying our first experience volunteering as Care-A-Vanners with Habitat for Humanity in Pagosa Springs, Colorado in June, we adjusted our schedule for the summer to return to the very same place for another two-week commitment. We knew that the experience could be very different because of the composition of a new volunteer group, … Read more

Weekend on the Central Oregon Coast

Our journey south from the Columbia River along US 101 took us through miles of rural scenery, filled with dairy farms and small fishing communities. In places where the road runs right along the coast, we could sometimes make out dramatic pillars of rock down topped by hardy evergreens just offshore. Unfortunately, persistent rain and … Read more