Blown Away by the Windy City: Science, Money, Food, and More

Between our daily visits to the Art Institute and the Chicago Architecture Center boat tour, you might think we didn’t have much time to take in other sights during our recent trip to Chicago. But thanks to the compactness of the downtown area, we were able to see quite a bit while relying exclusively on … Read more

Blown Away by the Windy City: Art and Architecture

A big part of our motivation for selling the Airstream and truck was to switch to a different style of travel: trips by air and trips to large cities, which we tried to avoid at all costs when towing our house behind us. Our first post-Airstream foray was a brief-but-busy trip to Chicago. I hadn’t … Read more

Welcome to Winston-Salem

After our scenic relocation from the Asheville area, we immediately dove into the activities available in the Winston-Salem area. The city is probably best known as the home of the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, particularly thanks to the Winston and Salem cigarette brands, and there’s no question that RJR had a defining influence on the … Read more

A Weekend Jaunt to Historic St. Augustine

There were many terrible things about the global pandemic of 2020-2021 — sickness, death, fear, and loss of social interactions spring to mind — but even after finally returning to normal life there is one thing that was still bothering me. Back in March of 2020, we were traveling through Florida and just days away … Read more

Lincoln-palooza in Springfield, Illinois

Springfield has enthusiastically embraced its role as the hometown of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln arrived here in 1837 as a 28-year-old man whose earthly possessions fit into two saddlebags, but who had recently become a member of the Illinois State Bar after teaching himself the law. He left Springfield in 1861 as President-elect of the United … Read more