Counting Down to Launch Day

It’s almost here! After so much preparation, we are in the final moments before we leave our familiar environs and hit the road. The process of getting to this point has been long and detailed. As someone who likes checking things off of lists, I am now getting the satisfaction of seeing everything come together. … Read more

Reveling in Free Stuff

I think most people like a good deal, but some might say that I have an unhealthy obsession with freebies. This week has provided us an opportunity to enjoy several low-cost aspects of our traveling lifestyle, and I am loving it. Free Camping Camping is already a fairly budget-friendly way to travel. By bringing your … Read more

We’re Moved In

It’s official: our home now roams. After lots of careful consideration — as well as plenty of hectic throwing things into boxes randomly — we have our final selection of items that are coming on the road with us, and they are all stowed in the trailer. What’s more, we are now living in the … Read more